I have this particular marketing blog post stuck behind my retinas and thought I would share it with you. I'm nice like that.

The below excerpt relates to freelancing, (of course) and is written by a rather bald intellectual man who sort of reminds me of a Sim character. Meet Seth Godin and his words...


Nature and nurture

The boss, conference organizer, co-worker, interviewer, parent or client who wants your best work, your art and your genuine enthusiasm:
...can demand that you bring your best possible work the first time, can point out that they are paying you well, that they're busy, that they're powerful, and that they accept nothing short of high performance or you're out.
...or they can nurture you, encourage you, set a high bar and then support you on your way. They can teach you, cajole you and introduce you to others that will do the same.
The first strategy is the factory mindset, of interchangeable parts and interchangeable people. It is the strategy of ensuring six sigma perfection, on demand, and the strategy of someone in power, who can demand what he wants, when he wants it.
You don't make art this way, or emotional connections, or things that haven't been made before. You may get the job done, but it's not clear if you'll make a difference.


I want to make a difference though. That's why I am taking my own spare time and using it to write for strangers. It's pretty exciting stuff.

The above idea of approaching a project with genuine enthusiasm, innovation and an attitude to do something different, and create something that will make a difference, is all that my freelancing is about. To make art, y'all need to nurture tings. 

I do not want to simply churn out a page of text for you and receive payment. And I won't be playing the boss hog where I demand what I want, when I want it (that's sort of your role, as the buyer). 

I want to grow our relationship, make a lasting impression on yourself and your customers, and walk away from the project more enlightened, more clued in to your industry, and more connected to your individual style than when we first exchanged details.

Choose to freelance with heapswhitty Creative Communication and you are investing in making a proper, positive impact on your world. Whatever your world may be!

Thanks for sharing your eyes.


